Web Browser Module -- "Failed to read DnsConfig"

Ignition 7.9.5
Windows 10 x64
jre 1.8.0_161

We recently added a web browser module to our application, and we’re using it to show an SVG in the C:\ Drive by pointing to a URL. The component does show the SVG, but in the console I get an error message every 5 seconds:

10:20:24 WARNING: [0330/102024:WARNING: dns_config_service_win.cc(661)] Failed to read DnsConfig.
10:20:29 WARNING: [0330/102029:WARNING: dns_config_service_win.cc(661)] Failed to read DnsConfig.

Any ideas why that is happening?

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Can you clear your DNS cache and see if the error still persists?

Cleared the Cache, and it didn’t help. It was worth a shot.

Got this message also, any help?