Web Browser Object

Is there a Web Browser Object.

I am using Nagios and MRTG to monitor the network. I want to open screens fron these applications (web pages) in Ignition. How would I do that.


If they are simple HTML pages you can use the Document Viewer on the Display tab of the component palette. If that ones gives you errors you can use the Internet Explorer component of the ActiveX module.

So having a “real” web-browser component in Ignition is something we’ve wanted for a while.

The document viewer is hardly functional when it comes to viewing webpages. ActiveX is a huge can of worms from a compatibility and stability point of view.

We’ve been thinking of integrating this into Ignition, but we haven’t worked out the licensing yet. I’d like to hear some feedback from users on this:

  1. Is this an important feature?
  2. What would you use it for?
  3. Would you pay for a module that included this component?
  1. Yes it is an important feature. It would allow you to integrate other systems into an Ignition application.

  2. Currently I would use it as the interface into Nagios and MRTG for network management

  3. I would be willing to pay extra if the pricing model was reasonable.