Websocket disabled on Proxy


I would like to know if it is possible to not use WebSocket protocol using Ignition Perspective. I have a customer which use our project in Ignition Perspective and its proxy does not allow Websocket connections. The customer asks if we can use another protocol.

Is it possible ?



No, WebSockets are required.

Out of curiosity, what is the reverse proxy they're using, as I thought most of the modern reverse proxies supported WebSockets. I've been sticking with HAProxy, but know that Nginx is also popular, but I've used even some built into firewalls without issues. This would also be good information just to have documented on these forums so everyone else knows what to avoid.


Yeah I'm curious as well. I feel like it's been 10+ years since most proxies got WebSocket support.

Caddy also works.

I could not tell you, but I think their proxy support Websocket but they block websockets traffic on purpose.

They'll have to make an exception for Perspective.