WebSocket issues, maybe?

I'm not sure what is going on, but starting 2 days ago, I began having this WebSocket disconnected message pop up ever 2 minutes. It used to happen sporadically, maybe a handful of times in 8 hours, but now it's every 2 minutes on the dot, as well as the normal intermittent messages. I don't know much of anything about WebSockets and how they work, is this an issue. I would assume it's not that bad, since it's all at info level, but every so often I do get warnings. It's always just one project, too, which is kinda worrying.

How do I even begin troubleshooting this?

Ask your IT if they updated/added deep packet inspection technologies in your company firewalls.

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Thank you. Unfortunately, I don't really expect expedience with our IT, so it'll probably be a bit before I have an update, if I get an answer at all

So, IT finally got back to me. They say they don't see anything weird, and that it's just tcp-fin and tcp-rst-from-client messages. They say that this means that it's not something on the firewall side. They also say that they saw "a huge increase" in sessions between our devices and the gateway, though.

I don't see how my clients are resetting, though, because they are display devices that are all on all the time. The only time they should be disconnecting is at 4am on Sundays when they reset. As for the session increase, we shouldn't be seeing any more session requests than usual, right? Is that where I need to focus?

So! Finally got it resolved. It turned out that the port used by a device that one of my colleagues was setting up was either flipping (entirely sperate issue that IT refuses to solve) every 2 minutes,.or just really slow. This caused the session to disconnect, however, since the client would regain connection, it didn't error out the socket and just reassigned a new session.

I found the specific device by finding the project listed by the logger and using system.perspective.getSessionInfo(projectFilter) and then further filtering by the new session id (gotten when perspective.clientSession logger is set to debug level) on a tag change script, since if I missed my 2 minute window, I'd have to restart. This would give me the clientAddress of any clients with a certain session open.

So, underlying issue was not fixed, but Ignition has stopped complaining since the device was removed from the network and further troubleshooting is required

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