What are some interesting tags to put in a Gateway Dashboard?


I´m doing a dashboard to show some data from gateway tags.

What tags from Gateway would users be interested to look at?

Any suggestions or ideas are welcome.

This is what I have for now:

I would write a small script to convert the uptime seconds to a readable elapsed time showing days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

What about device connections? Do you have it on a separate page? If not, it wouldn't hurt to show the status of all those connections also.

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Thanks Michael for your ideas, I will work on formating the Uptime seconds.

Also I am adding to the dashboard the devices connected

I added an icon and binded the prop.color to the status value

I would change this to a mapping transform instead of a script transform. Make it with only 1 value of "Connected" and the fallback, and you can then even select a color for the mapped value so you can pick the exact shade you want from the dialog. This should also be faster and more efficient in terms of performance.

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Never used Mapping transform, thanks Michael, I wil try.

Change the output Type from Value to Color

ah, great!

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Or, better, change it back to value and use the theme colors, --success and --error. (I can't remember if you need var(--success) in this case.) Of course, you are using theme colors everywhere else, aren't you? :upside_down_face:


Yes! I´m using corporative colors elsewhere so it´s looking formal and corporative. Thanks Transistor! :+1:

For example, this is one of the filter panels I´m using

Too many colors!

  • What should I think when I see a purple panel? A green panel? etc.?
  • Two shades of orange - one on the title bar (#FB5E22) and another on Filtrar button (#FF7900).
  • Checkbox color (theme default) not consistent with Filtrar button.


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Yes, you right, the checkbox are on the guidelines, and the 2 shades of orange, you got me. Will change those! :smile: apart form that I like many colors on different panels :slightly_smiling_face: :face_in_clouds:

idk how you selected your colors, but might be a good idea to look at something like this if you want lots of colors. if you havent already



Thanks @victordcq , those are company colors guidelanes, aniways as Transistor sugest I will use them more safely. Cheers!

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If the company has such a big pallet, than it might be a good idea to replace all theme colors with them.

For example the checkbox could be the "company light blue" instead of the default blue. or the green enabled displays.
I guess.

This 7 is kinda hard to read, you shouldnt use dark backgrounds behind greyish letters. Keep the letters black and/or use a different blackground

But i dont really know anything about colors xd


But they should mean something (or be part of a company branding)! Otherwise it looks like a child got hold of a box of eye-shadow colors and went mad! They are a visual distraction. It takes the user several seconds to go, "Colors! - what do they mean? - I can't see a pattern - there isn't one, is there - no, I don't think so - OK, try to ignore the colors!"

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:smile: :+1: yep, will try improve those, not mucha about panels in the guidelines but propably using plain grey for all is good idea.

One tag that I created and is quite useful for my (global) project is number of perspective clients. I create a tag that is populated 1/min with a script of
tagVal = system.perspective.getSessionInfo()
We have a lot of users so I want to make sure we have enough hardware resources to accomodate.

Another thing I look at often is error/warnings from the GW log. Especially the logs that my (broken) scripts create.

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Thanks a lot DNice, I will include those, very helpful!