What is the difference between using port 8060, 6501 and 8750?

Referring to list here, there are different ports that Ignition uses for different purposes. Though the description is mentioned in the table, I am not sure what is the exact use of port 8060, 6501 and 8750.

I assume port 8060 is used for the communication between different Ignition gateways (Remote tag provides, calling message handlers etc.?). Port 8750 is used for communication between Master and Backup gateways in redundancy configuration (to sync data?). Not sure about port 6501 for which description is Server fallback port.

Please confirm/correct above understanding?
Thanks in advance.

8060 is (currently) the port used for gateway area network (GAN) communication.

8750 was used for redundancy in all 7.x versions of Ignition, but as of 8.0 all redundancy communication also goes over the gateway network - so that port is not needed.

6501 is used for Vision’s ‘local client fallback’ setting - the Gateway will attempt to bind to 6501, on the local interface, so that a Vision client running on the same machine can, in the event it loses its main gateway connection, seamlessly fall back to the local gateway. It’s more commonly used with Edge panel - and if you’re not using Vision at all, you can also safely ignore it.

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@PGriffith Thank you for your reply.

So, all clients including remote and local will communicate with the gateway on port 8088/8043 in normal scenario and in the event of loss of gateway connection, local client will use port 6501. Is this correct?

Edit: I noticed that you have updated Gateway Port Reference and found link for detailed Local Vision Client Fallback explanation.

Thank you!

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