What other ISO language codes does Ignition offer?

I understand the user locale and the examples are useful for English (en-US) to Spanish(es-US) translations.

What is usable at the current time? A list would be nice of what is supported by Inductive Automation.

I hate to assume that everything in this link can be translated.

This is probably the list to pay attention to: Java 11 Supported Locales

Note that “support” means pretty little - you are responsible for managing translations in your system, we just provide the mechanism to define them.

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The link is exactly what I was looking for. I can provide the translation, just needed to know what locales I can use. Thank you.

curious about this. What was the thought or reasoning from moving away from [ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International\Locale] standard codes [Language Codes] to ISO 639-1 codes.

maybe its just me but this seems like a step backwards??

What do you mean by "moving away from" ? Java has been using ISO language codes for decades, and Ignition has always been based on Java.

Microsoft calls those "standard" codes, but they are "Microsoft" codes. Java is a platform that runs on much more than just Windows.

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Ok i was not aware of the <> and i assumed that all machines used the '1033' for English cross platform while the Text format of 1033 was "EN" just to show. for instance when i use Sql [ms or my] im bound by using the 1033 for english or what every other language in the local im building or my data gets funny

this is what i mean..

Microsoft conflates encodings (character sets) with collations (language features). It's ugly. Good software keeps these separate. (Psst! PostgreSQL.)