Getting a fresh start to ignition, my programming knowledge is minimal. I have scripted some bitcoin bots on vss, not much more. What other courses or programming knowledge would you recommend to best compliment ignition university? I want to deeply comprehend whats going on which is difficult when your just opening a blank project. I work with ignition 9-5(operator), but have no devices to simulate sensors or tags (we have endress hauser at work.) I want to be able to build a project within a year. Any recommendations would be appreciated. (should i move this thread?)
Any intro to python course. If there is one for python 2.7, that will be closest to the python syntax of ignition.
Having the user manual bookmarked is always good. Sometimes you'll see a useful function while browsing the appendix.
If you do a search for best practices on the forum, you'll find lots of good info about various topics.
In addition to Python, look into studying SQL and brushing up on CSS.
SQL is all about data and is the main driver in the value that SCADA brings in. It's a very valuable skill on its own and with the flexibility of Ignition and being able to connect to almost any database, one can read or write to them.
Also, as well as Ignition being a great SCADA system, it's technically a rapid application development tool and you can create custom software and forms on its own to utilize SQL databases.
CSS is the main layer behind Perspective and helps to know some of it to understand and better define Views and their layout. This will lead to a more modern and user friendly experience.
One practice project you can complete is the Ignition Design Challenge one of our at home Training resources, it is a good set of instructions for someone who completed IU.
You could also consider the Gold Cert Practice Test for a somewhat similar project spec sheet within the same Training Resources pages.
And of course I agree that learning more about: SQL, Python, JSON, etc can help your Ignition development significantly.
One minor thing to note, you can simulate OPC tags with your free Ignition trial using the device simulator, so don't let lack of real tags stop you from developing. Virtually all of our Training classes are built around tags that are generated via this simulator: Programmable Device Simulator | Ignition User Manual
Thank you for the contribution.
Im doing a python cert through free code camp. Then I want to follow that up with javascript.
Would any of you be able to awnser questions should they come up through discord or linkedin?
Is there any free classes on SQL that you guys would be able to link?
One issue im having, how do i make a new gateway to log in on my work surface?
I installed designer and forgot gateway password on this device. Can i just uninstall and reinstall?
Got it! appreciate all the help here!