Windows 10 - 4k Monitor Resolution

Hey guys,

Recently got a new laptop with 4k resolution, problem is when I run the ignition designer, it’s not being resized by Windows to be readable.

For example, windows adjusts most apps to increase the size by whatever percent you set. This doesn’t seem to affect the Ignition designer.

Any ideas how to fix this? It’s likely a windows issue, just hoping you guys have a work around.

Did you ever figure this out? I’m dealing with the same thing right now. Tried a few things I’ve found online, but not having a lot of luck. I don’t want to run at 1080 since things just look terrible.

The only “workaround” right now is apply the technique outlined in this blog post to the java and/or javaw executable instead of the adobe executables, or to directly modify the exe itself using a manifest edtior, and set the apiAware flag to false.

Doing this gets you a blurry but correctly scaled designer/client instead of an unusable tiny scaled designer/client.

Thanks Kevin. Can’t believe there isn’t a real fix yet. These screens have been out for a while now.

Yeah, the fix has to come from Oracle, and I’m not convinced it ever will (for Swing).

I don’t even know if they can or will turn off the dpiAware flag, because while Swing is not high-DPI compatible, the new JavaFX stuff is, so they may need the flag to be true for that to work.

Yeah it probably won’t…sigh You guys been messing around with the JavaFX some more?

My pessimism is perhaps unwarranted:

Looks like Java 9 may add high DPI support after all?

Similar topic posted here in the ideas forum:

I suffered long enough and finally bought an external USB monitor.

Hi Guys
I need to run the Client Vision to 4K monitors: ( Ignition 7.9.4)
Is there also withthe Vision Clients the Problem or it appears only with the designer?


It effects the client as well. Depending on the size of the monitors, 4K may be usable even without scaling support.

We are using bunch of 4k 60" TVs and I don’t have any issue with the scaling. for me scaling issue only happen on the designer so I just had to change my resolution back to 1920x1080 and that solved my issue. As far as I can tell your clients should work just fine.