My team has been using windows 10 to host ignition perspective for over a year now with little to no audio problems. We are using a URL path via the audio perspective component that triggers when the count of critical level alarms is > 0. As soon as we moved from win10 to win11, we started having problems with the audio at the browser level.
Normally, when the .wav file is triggered you see a small indicator at the upper corner of your browser however after this update we stopped seeing such in both edge & chrome. Everything beyond the browser level is working, and for users that are still running win10 audible alarms still work. Wondering if anyone else has had these same symptoms and perhaps has found a solution?
Is there a way to see if the callup is still happening in the background to the .WAV file in the Windows 11 version? Or is the audio configuration at the system and browser level blocking it?

Windows 11 is officially supported, therefore IA's test department should test all (Vision/Perspective) functionality (on that OS).
I would log a ticket with support (this forum is not official support) to see if there are any known issues between 10/11 specific to this.
Shout out to IA for hopping on a call to find a workaround at no cost to our company! This is truly exemplary customer service & I will be recommending we purchase phone support moving forward. The issue was in fact at the browser level and caused by the insecure URL path that lead to the .wav file.
Went to the following URL (There should be settings like this in edge, brave, Firefox, etc.):
Then enabled Insecure Origins treated as secure, and white listed the IP as a temporary workaround.
The problem wasn't even in ignition and IA still went above and beyond to troubleshoot with us for 45 minutes or so. I can't sing their praises enough, so glad we went with Ignition.