Windows metafile (wmf)


is there any way to “read” and show wmf files from ignition?


You can not view them with in Ignition. You can have ignition open other programs like window media player and have WMP display the file. Code look like

system.util.execute(["cmd.exe","/C","start","Mplayer2.exe", "/fullscreen", "/play", "C:videolocation\filename"])

Or you could do it like this

system.util.execute(["C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe", "C:\Wildlife.wmv"])

I am assuming that we have been working with you through emails about this. Converting the image to the correct supported format and then importing them into the Image Management Tool for use in the project would be the way to go.

You are right Greg. Converting and importing is best. The code you posted the will only work if that program is located in the same place on all computers.

I found some interesting resources for converting on the internet, for example: … -or-png-us

I haven’t had a chance to do play with any coding but a good Google search can help.