Write a value to Master UDT Parameter

Hi All,

I am using Ignition Version 8.0.15.

I want to write a Value to a Master UDT parameter from a Tag.

Thanks in Advance,

Did you find a way to do it?

Hi Edward,

I have used the Tag Event Script to write the value to UDT parameter.

system.tag.write("[.]/Parameters.Value_Change", "5.5")


Hi Suresh,
Thank you for the reply.
It seems like you're writing to an instance parameter. I'm actually trying to write to the data type parameter. I can do that, but I can't seem to get a value from it in the instance.
I'll keep hacking away at it :slight_smile:

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Hi Ted,

system.tag.write("[.]/Parameters.Value_Change", "5.5"). This code I have written in the UDT Definition. The Value 5.5 varies for me instance to instance. So I use system.tag.write("[.]/Parameters.Value_Change", pvvalue)

Are you trying to push the value in UDT definition parameter and that reflects to all the instances? I hope I understand the requirement correctly.

If not, share some examples with screenshot, it will be helpful to understand.


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Hi Suresh,
Yes, I am, and its working. The only thing is the parameter values in the tag browser don't update for the instances.

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