8.1.41 - perspective.
I have a view with custom parameter object - custom.Data
What I am trying to do is one a button is pressed to copy a specified tag values into custom.Data (this is a one time thing direct or indirect tag bindings will not work)
this is my button event script
#get path of tag UDT to read from
tagPath = self.getSibling("Dropdown").props.value
#get data parameter
data = self.view.custom.Data
tagPaths = []
#go through keys in data and get matching tag values from UDT
for key in data.keys():
if key[:10] == "Parameters":
keyN = key.replace('_','.')
keyN = key.replace('_','/')
values = [qval.value for qval in system.tag.readBlocking(tagPaths)]
#write tag values back into data
for key,value in zip(data.keys(),values):
#clear these values
#write back to parameter
self.view.custom.Data = data
Based on what I am seeing if I run this same script in script console it is working except writing back to the custom.Data parameter results in all values being blank
Script console
tagPath = '[IO1]PLC1/Inputs/7'
data = {
"Config_InputType": "",
"Config_PLC_Slot": "",
"Parameters_Room": "",
"Config_AI_AlarmHiHiSP": "",
"Config_AI_MinimumEGU": "",
"Parameters_GasType": "",
"Parameters_EGU": "",
"Parameters_FullScale": "",
"Config_AI_AlarmLoLoSP": "",
"Parameters_Location": "",
"Parameters_Matrix": "",
"Parameters_AlarmDescription": "",
"Config_DI_NoGasActions": "",
"Parameters_Decimals": "",
"Parameters_Port": "",
"Parameters_Description": "",
"Parameters_PLC": "",
"Config_AI_AlarmHiSP": "",
"Config_PLC_Point": "",
"Config_PLC_Rack": "",
"Config_AlarmDelay": "",
"Config_DI_NormalState": "",
"Parameters_TagName": "",
"Config_AI_MaximumEGU": "",
"Config_AI_AlarmLoSP": "",
"Parameters_DisplayPath": ""
#tagPath = self.getSibling("Dropdown").props.value
#data = self.view.custom.Data
print data
tagPaths = []
#go through keys in data and get matching tag values from UDT
for key in data.keys():
if key[:10] == "Parameters":
keyN = key.replace('_','.')
keyN = key.replace('_','/')
values = [qval.value for qval in system.tag.readBlocking(tagPaths)]
#write tag values back into data
for key,value in zip(data.keys(),values):
#clear these values
#write back to parameter
#self.view.custom.Data = data
print data
console results
{'Config_InputType': '', 'Config_PLC_Slot': '', 'Parameters_Room': '', 'Config_AI_AlarmHiHiSP': '', 'Config_AI_MinimumEGU': '', 'Parameters_GasType': '', 'Parameters_EGU': '', 'Parameters_FullScale': '', 'Config_AI_AlarmLoLoSP': '', 'Parameters_Location': '', 'Parameters_Matrix': '', 'Parameters_AlarmDescription': '', 'Config_DI_NoGasActions': '', 'Parameters_Decimals': '', 'Parameters_Port': '', 'Parameters_Description': '', 'Parameters_PLC': '', 'Config_AI_AlarmHiSP': '', 'Config_PLC_Point': '', 'Config_PLC_Rack': '', 'Config_AlarmDelay': '', 'Config_DI_NormalState': '', 'Parameters_TagName': '', 'Config_AI_MaximumEGU': '', 'Config_AI_AlarmLoSP': '', 'Parameters_DisplayPath': ''}
{'Config_InputType': 101, 'Config_PLC_Slot': 1, 'Parameters_Room': u'1', 'Config_AI_AlarmHiHiSP': 0.0, 'Config_AI_MinimumEGU': 0.0, 'Parameters_GasType': 1L, 'Parameters_EGU': u'', 'Parameters_FullScale': 0.0, 'Config_AI_AlarmLoLoSP': 0.0, 'Parameters_Location': u'Outside North Door', 'Parameters_Matrix': 4L, 'Parameters_AlarmDescription': u'EGO activated Bld 10 Room 303 North door', 'Config_DI_NoGasActions': False, 'Parameters_Decimals': None, 'Parameters_Port': u'3', 'Parameters_Description': u'EGO button', 'Parameters_PLC': u'1', 'Config_AI_AlarmHiSP': 0.0, 'Config_PLC_Point': '', 'Config_PLC_Rack': 2, 'Config_AlarmDelay': 30, 'Config_DI_NormalState': False, 'Parameters_TagName': '', 'Config_AI_MaximumEGU': 0.0, 'Config_AI_AlarmLoSP': 0.0, 'Parameters_DisplayPath': 1L}
any Ideas on how I can get the values into the custom.data?