Write to tag failing with status "Unknown"

I’m having some issues writing boolean tags.

Tag configuration:

Error Message:

System Console Log:

The bit=X syntax is read-only.

Thanks! Just so it’s available, I wrote this macro for converting those bit addressed tags.

Function ConvertDirectlyAddressedModbus(tag) As String
    Dim numberPart As Integer
    Dim numberPartStart As Integer
    Dim stringPart As String
    Dim bit As String
    bit = ""
    For Index = (Len(tag)) To 1 Step -1
        testvalue = Mid(tag, Index, 1)
        If Not IsNumeric(testvalue) Then
            numberPartStart = Index
            Exit For
        End If
    Next Index
    Dim numberpartString As String
    numberpartString = Mid(tag, numberPartStart + 1, (Len(tag) - numberPartStart))
    address = (numberpartString)
    stringPart = Mid(tag, 1, numberPartStart)
    plcIndex = InStr(tag, "[") + 1
    plcDelim = "]"
    bitIndex = InStr(stringPart, ",bit=")
    If bitIndex > 0 Then
        BitStart = bitIndex + Len(",bit=")
        BitEnd = InStr(stringPart, "]")
        bit = Mid(stringPart, BitStart, BitEnd - BitStart)
        plcDelim = ","
    End If
    plc = Mid(stringPart, plcIndex, Len(stringPart) - (Len(stringPart) - InStr(stringPart, plcDelim) + 2))
    result = "[" + plc + "]" + address
    If bit <> "" Then
        result = result + "." + bit
    End If
    ConvertDirectlyAddressedModbus = result
End Function