Write to tag from 7.9.21 to 8.1.42

I am trying to write to a tag through the gateway network from a 7.9.21 gateway to a 8.1.42 gateway and I am getting the error

Error writing to test.Value: Exception occurred on remote machine, error code=GENERAL_PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION [100]

The tag is a memory tag on the 8.1.42 gateway with read only set to false. I have tried resetting the gateway network connection, saving the tag provider configuration, and also rebooting each of the gateway servers. Any ideas on what is causing this?

Compatibility issue. Pretty sure you can't write from 7.9x to 8.1x
You could set up messaging and write that way.

Hmm, I thought you could read and write, but not edit.

I've never had success writing, reads are fine.
Was a permissions issue with the GN and how it does remote permissions AFAIKR

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