Writing current time to Memory Tag not working

Hello, I'd like to write current time to a memory tag everytime I have a change in a PLC variable. I am writing the script shown in the picture above inside the PLC variable, but the memory tag is not updating. What am I doing wrong?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


You are checking initialChange too late. Check it before any use of previousValue to avoid an error that kills your script.

Also, a typo - system.data.now is not a real function; system.date.now is.


Oh my... I've been staring straight at that typo for hours. You're a life saver. Thank you!

To note, at the top right of that dialog, there is a button that will show the Tag Diagnostics (Looks like an ECG line) , this would have announced the typo to you, and probably have saved you a little hair along the way.


Incredibly useful, thank you lrose!