Writing to a tag parameter "Documentation

I'm looking for away to write and read the parameter Documentation with the definition of a tag. I found the following but there are a few things that seem messy if you will.

I’m looking for help on this topic, there might be a better path to help but I thought perhaps y’all could lead a hand or point me in the right direction. I’d like to be able to read and write to this parameter known as documentation.

I’ve found this in the documentation:

TagPath path = new BasicTagPath("", List.of("path", "to", "tag"), WellKnownTagProps.Documentation);
gatewayContext.getTagManager().getTagProvider("default").readAsync(List.of(path), SecurityContext.systemContext()).get().get(0);

Any help would be appreciated

You're posting Java code - is this something you're trying to do from a module?

You can read and write the .Documentation property directly.

tPath = '[default]Path/To/Tag.Documentation'
docTowrite = 'Blah Blah This is the documentation tag'
docVal = system.tag.readBlocking(tPath)[0].value
print docVal