WSL2 & Docker & Gateway Update Script

Hello, I'm trying to implement the auto-save script that is mentioned in the best practice but under docker and I've some issues when trying to call the git-auto-commit.bat routine.
I already did the initial commit to GitLab but when I try to call the routine, it gives an error as the file is not found.
this is my update script content:

import time
filePath = "data/projects/tags.json"
system.tag.exportTags(filePath=filePath, tagPaths=["[default]"])

but I'm getting this error:

so I undersand that maybe I need to provide some extra permissions or credentials but I don't find how to do it.

thanks in advance!

kind regards,

Tip: Wiki - how to post code on this forum.

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Hi, I fixed the permission issue attaching a shell to the running container and then, giving to the file the excecute rights...
I just used
chmod +x
but I don't see any change in my repo, so the script is doing nothing, here below the content:

cd data/projects
NOW=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S")
git add .
git commit -m "Designer save @ $NOW"
git push origin

thanks in advance!