XY Chart Bullets Don't Line up When yAxis is set to Date

I am using Ignition 8.1.38 building a project in perspective. I have a few different XY charts that are working as expected in this project, but in one I am trying to display the date on the x-axis and the duration of a changeover in the y-axis. The data is coming in as a dataset from an SQL query. All of that is working fine. The issue I have is when I set the property for yAxes.0.render to date, the line somehow becomes misaligned with the date, and more importantly with the bullets. Setting that back to value brings everything back in line, but then the y-axis displays values like 4,000,000 through 14,000,000 rather than 00:40:00 through 01:40:00, which is useless to us. Below is the code for the chart that is built in with the example data modified to show the behavior. I attempted to upload a screenshot, but the page kept crashing while uploading.

    "type": "ia.chart.xy",
    "version": 0,
    "props": {
      "xAxes": [
          "name": "time",
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            "text": "Time",
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      "dataSources": {
        "example": [
            "t_stamp": "Tue Aug 07 2018",
            "process_temp": "1:15:18:063",
            "output_temp": "00:54:53:160"
            "t_stamp": "Tue Aug 08 2018",
            "process_temp": "1:36:40:530",
            "output_temp": "00:59:48:017"
            "t_stamp": "Tue Aug 09 2018",
            "process_temp": "1:05:36:030",
            "output_temp": "00:42:09:547"
            "t_stamp": "Tue Aug 10 2018",
            "process_temp": "1:02:55:540",
            "output_temp": "1:08:00:767"
            "t_stamp": "Tue Aug 11 2018",
            "process_temp": "1:15:14:327",
            "output_temp": "00:46:07:537"
            "t_stamp": "Tue Aug 12 2018",
            "process_temp": "1:26:56:063",
            "output_temp": "00:51:52:523"
            "t_stamp": "Tue Aug 13 2018",
            "process_temp": "00:47:45:007",
            "output_temp": "00:47:36:000"
            "t_stamp": "Tue Aug 14 2018",
            "process_temp": "1:10:12:093",
            "output_temp": "00:47:07:327"
            "t_stamp": "Tue Aug 15 2018",
            "process_temp": "1:09:08:560",
            "output_temp": "00:59:33:580"
            "t_stamp": "Tue Aug 16 2018",
            "process_temp": "00:42:57:997",
            "output_temp": "1:02:12:167"
            "t_stamp": "Tue Aug 17 2018",
            "process_temp": "1:04:18:027",
            "output_temp": "1:13:39:333"
    "meta": {
      "name": "XYChart_0"
    "position": {
      "x": 43,
      "y": 26,
      "width": 786,
      "height": 575
    "custom": {}

This is how your chart shows up when I paste your JSON.


  • Your SQL is returning a string for the t_stamp. You should be returning a datetime object - millisecond timestamp for Ignition.
  • If you set
    xAxes.0.date.format : yyyy/MMM/d
    you'll see that the t_stamp string is being converted to a timestamp of 0 which is 1970-01-01 00:00:00 (which is the UNIX epoch).

Here is the actual chart that I am displaying (don't know why I couldn't upload it earlier). In my actual query, the dates are returned as datetime objects, and display just fine. The issue I have is that the bullets are in the correct positions, but the line is not. You can see it in the JSON that I uploaded as well, it just isn't as obvious on the image above. When I change yAxes.0.render to values, the lines look like they should, but changing it to date is causing the issue. The data is coming in in the form of 01:15:18:063 so I set yAxes.0.date.inputFormat and yAxes.0.date.format to HH:mm:ss:S.

That's still a string.

Copy and paste the dataSources JSON into another post. (If there's a binding then we won't see the data because we don't have the database, etc.)

You can ignore the Goal object in here, it isn't used. DTReasons is the dataset I am using. production_day, start_time, and duration are all returned as DATETIME. name is the only thing being returned as a string.

It is worth mentioning that the column for duration is originally a datatype float for seconds. I am using CONVERT(TIME, DATEADD(ms, duration * 1000, 0)) to convert that into h:mm:ss.S. In MSSQL Studio, this returns hh:mm:ss.S, but Ignition is returning yyyy/M/d hh:mm:ss.

I guess what is still confusing me is why the bullets render in the correct position, and don't change position regardless of whether date or value is selected, but the line is not rendering as expected when date is selected. The y-axis labels change to reflect the render option chosen, and they display correctly as well.

  "Goal": [
      "full": "1:00:00",
      "target": "1:00:00",
      "t_stamp": "value"
      "full": "1:00:00",
      "target": "1:00:00",
      "t_stamp": "value"
  "DTReasons": {
    "$": [
    "$columns": [
        "name": "production_day",
        "type": "Date",
        "data": [
        "name": "name",
        "type": "String",
        "data": [
          "Job 1",
          "Job 2",
          "Job 3",
          "Job 4",
          "Job 5",
          "Job 6",
          "Job 7",
          "Job 8",
          "Job 9",
          "Job 10",
          "Job 11",
          "Job 12",
          "Job 13",
          "Job 14",
          "Job 15",
          "Job 16",
          "Job 17",
          "Job 18",
          "Job 19",
          "Job 20",
          "Job 21",
          "Job 22",
          "Job 23",
          "Job 24",
          "Job 25",
          "Job 26",
          "Job 27",
          "Job 28",
          "Job 29",
          "Job 30",
          "Job 31"
        "name": "start_time",
        "type": "Date",
        "data": [
        "name": "duration",
        "type": "Date",
        "data": [
        "name": "durationString",
        "type": "String",
        "data": [

And here is the JSON for the actual chart that I have setup.

    "type": "ia.chart.xy",
    "version": 0,
    "props": {
      "xAxes": [
          "name": "production_day",
          "label": {
            "enabled": true,
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            "inputFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss",
            "format": "M/d"
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A bit of an update. I made a mistake in my previous posts in thinking the line was not rendering properly. I forgot that I put a dx in xAxes.0 that offset my labels. Removing that renders the line and dates appropriately. It seems that the bullets are the things that are not aligned properly.

I have two columns returned that correlate duration with a time. production_day is a datatype of DATE, but casting as DATETIME does not change anything. start_time is a datatype of DATETIME. The big difference between the two is that production_day returns the date with a time of 00:00:00 (2024-08-09 00:00:00) while start_time returns the actual time the changeover is started (2024-08-09 20:32:08). Neither of these is a string.

While I use production_day for the X-axis, there are duplicate time stamps in the list, but the durations just become vertical lines for those cases, like I would expect it to. The offset between line and bullet points looks very consistent across all data points whether I display 5 or 30. The bullets always lead the line by half a unit.

When I change my X-axis to start_time, the bullets appear to line up perfectly, but only when I have a larger number of data points. 30 data points looks great, but 5 data points makes the offset very apparent. and the distances from the line are not a consistent distance.I can have a bullet point lead the line by 2 or 3 pixels, and then the next bullet point is lagging the line by 10 or more pixels. Vertically, they are correct, but horizontally they vary.

I have also verified that duration is being returned in DATETIME format, and that my series.0.data.y is set to duration and not durationString, which is being used for the labels on the bullet points.