XY Chart , Date on X chart showing wrong values and overlapping


I have data from database and displaying on the XY chart where X represents the date from the DB column. I am using it on a column container to display the charts. So the graph is being displayed like below when I launch the session.

After launching for a few seconds, the graph changes to something strange like below which scales the X graph and shows wrong data which is different from the data collected from the DB.

Thanks in advance community .

Tip: if the data is correct in Designer's XY Chart props.dataSources then the problem has nothing to do with database so you could remove that tag from the question.

I've used the XY Chart but I've never seen your issue. Please copy the XY Chart from the Project Browser and paste it here using the </> to format it properly (and you can use the gear icon → Hide Details to be cool). Since that will have the database binding on the dataSources you should copy the dataSources property and past that here separately (again formatting the code).

The data from the database .The data that is pulled from the data base is also not correct on the graph on the X axis. I fetched data from 1/05 to 1/11 , but it shows only data from 1/04 to 1/10 .


We can't really help you with the database query if you don't show it to us.
Please also mention what timezone the gateway is running in and what timezone the Perspective project is using (in Project Properties).