XY Chart how to change the line color and legend description

Ignition Perspective XY chart please suggest which property needs to be configured to change the legend and line color


You were close!

Line color
where ‘X’ is the series number.

Thanks Again. it works for line color but label text and color not changing to corresponding label

Right-click on legend, copy and paste the JSON into a reply below so we can see what you’ve got.

  "enabled": true,
  "position": "bottom",
  "absolute": {
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0
  "markers": {
    "enabled": true,
    "width": 20,
    "height": 20,
    "mirrorLookOfSeries": false,
    "stroke": {
      "color": "",
      "width": 1,
      "opacity": 0
    "cornerRadius": {
      "topLeft": 0,
      "topRight": 0,
      "bottomLeft": 0,
      "bottomRight": 0
    "icon": {
      "path": "",
      "color": "",
      "verticalCenter": "top",
      "horizontalCenter": "left",
      "width": 20,
      "height": 20
  "labels": {
    "text": "[bold]{name}[/]",
    "font": {
      "weight": 400,
      "size": 16,
      "color": "#000000"

It’s there at the bottom of your JSON. You have labels.font.color set to black.

Tip: You need to hit the Reply button under my post if you want me to get notification of your post. Alternately use the @username syntax if you use the general reply button.

yes i have set the color of the text to black

yes i have set the color of the text to black.

It was difficult to see what the color was before you started due to the yellow highlight.

If the question is answered to your satisfaction then please hit the "Solved" button on the post that gave you the information. If not, then please clarify what problems are remaining.

Legend text is not changing it is not showing text configured yAxes label name it is not about text/font color

OK. Read your original question again to see where the confusion arose.

where ‘X’ is the series number.

thanks I was searching for both line color change and legend label text . missed to type legend label text sorry for the confusion