Xy chart line area but vertically

I have an XY chart with Target and Minimum lines that I would like to use the area between as good. Following the documentation I have series.1.line.open.x and series.2.open.x set to point toward each other but no area shading appears. Has anyone gotten this to work in a vertical band vs. horizontal?

In the example below, I'd like to have the area between the black and red lines shaded.

I provided some tips to another user trying to do the same thing.

Basically, you need to create two points on the second series, use a stepline and turn on the fill.

The documentation shows that series.1 is open to series.2. Are you saying that series.1 needs two points? This information is pulled with a query, I wouldn't begin to know how to add a ghost point.

I don't know what that means.

Post the results of the binding for your chart. Format it properly using the </> button. You may need to switch the binding to return the data in JSON format to be able to do this.

XY Chart Example - Line Chart Target Area - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation (inductiveautomation.com)

In the documentation it shows series.1.line.open.y:[series.2.name] and the opposite for series.2 so the lines are open toward each other. I'm guess that's what creates the shaded area.


The example from the manual is showing a horizontal pass band based on the Y-axis. You're looking for one based on the X-axis.

First we need to understand your data. Where did that come from? It doesn't look like the results of a chart data binding that I've ever seen before!

I copied the query results from the dataset to the clipboard. Is there a different way to get the info?


I created dataSources.FDHist and pasted in your red text above. It was accepted as text rather than a dataset.


I don't have any problems with it. How can I convert it to JSON and copy it for you here?

Perspective doesn't have an automatic way to make a dataset in properties. I use a binding of unionAll(asList(), asList()) to get a 0x0 dataset, then remove the binding, then open the dataset editor dialog to paste the CSV format.