XY Chart line overlapping

Please refer the XY Graph Image, We have binded the Dataset from query. Dataset valuse are showing ok. But sometimes The Fisrt and Last data conneting the one additional line . How to remove this.

If you update the datasource on the XY Chart while the Perspective View is open, does that line go away?

When the graph overlaps, I adjust the input parameters 'FromDate' and 'ToDate or page refresh.' This helps in ensuring that the graph displays properly. Sometimes, modifying these parameters again the graph was overlapping.

Does the issue appear when you change your web browser to a different tab, modify the dataset (or change those parameters you mentioned), and then navigate back to the tab with the Perspective session?

If so, you're likely experiencing a known bug issue that is still being worked on.

Hi ,

The issue only occurred when opening the page for the first time; after that, when we refreshed the page, it disappeared.