XYChart series tooltip background color not working

Hi, I have a couple line series with tooltips on the bullets, although changing the background color doesn't seem to work, I only can get the grey default color. I pasted the entire series for reference in this post, not sure if something else if affecting it. I noticed that if the series tooltip is disabled then so is the bullet tooltip, so maybe they're related but any help would be appreciated. I also seem to only be having this issue with line type series. Thank you.


  "name": "safetystock",
  "label": {
    "text": "Safety Stock"
  "visible": true,
  "hiddenInLegend": true,
  "defaultState": {
    "visible": true
  "data": {
    "source": "chart_Data",
    "x": "date",
    "y": "safetystock"
  "xAxis": "time",
  "yAxis": "pieces",
  "zIndex": 0,
  "tooltip": {
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    "text": "{name}: [bold]{shipped}[/]",
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            "text": "{name}: [bold]{safetystock}[/]",
            "cornerRadius": 3,
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            "background": {
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              "opacity": 1
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            "color": "#C0C0C0",
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1 Like

Have you found a solution? Mine is worst, I am running 8.1.42, and the tooltip backgrounds are random colors, not even gray. I would like them to be the same color as the lines. They are very confusing now.

Post your XY Chart component's JSON here formatted as code. (See Wiki - how to post code on this forum for tips on how to format and use "Hide Details".)

If the dataSources are from a binding we won't be able to generate the data so you'll need to copy and paste that separately.

Both exceed the 32000 characters max limit here. :woozy_face:

I think you can zip them and upload. We only need a few records from the dataset.

Here are the xychart json and dataset.
xychart.zip (7.9 KB)

A quick look and I've reproduced the problem on the Xbar plot. (I haven't got the others to show up yet.)
Bedtime in Ireland, I'm afraid.

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Set line.appearance.bullets[x].fill.color value.

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That is it, thank you! It works perfectly. I guess tooltip.background.color is not the place to set the tooltip's background color somehow.

It's a bug in the chart.
Everyone tries to set that property because tooltip.background.color explicitly describes it.

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