AD/Interal Hybrid issue


I am having issues with restoring a Gateway to a new machine. (Ignition 8.1.22).

I do this regularly on our Ignition 7.9 gateways without issue. I run into problems when doing this on version 8. All the settings move over as expected and everything outside of AD appears to work correctly. I have compared the new machine with a working one and they seem to have the same settings and users.

Not sure what I am missing. Any insight would be appreciated.


...What are the issues you're running into?

Are you getting errors? Is there anything in the gateway logs, or if you can't log in, the wrapper.log files?

From the logs -

[profileName=AD Internal] Primary LDAP connection failed: connecting to secondary "ldaps://........."

Both the primary and secondary fail immediately when trying to login or using the "verify a user Source" function on the gateway. We use our AD for controlling access to our designers.

I can still log in via a default user source and have checked the settings, which match the server that is still working with AD. (On the same Ignition version)

Is it possible that there is a config setting or something that needs to be changed for AD to work after installing the backup on a fresh Ignition install?


Ports all open between the gateway and the Active Directory server?

Can you disable SSL and change the port to the proper one and see if that changes anything?

You have SSL enabled, which means the root/CA cert being used to sign the AD server certificate almost certainly needs to be added to Ignition's trusted certificates.

That got me on the right track! I think that would've solved my issue, but I ended up taking David's approach I found here: SSL/TLS How-to for Active Directory LDAPS User source - #28 by david.wooffindin

I guess I didn't have the right ideas when searching the forum previously. Thank you for your time!