Alarm status sort by time is not the same as active time?

I have an alarm status table set to sort by time, but as you can see there are some entries which are out of order:

If I click on the “Active time” in the header bar twice, I get the sort order I expected when sorting by time:

How can I make the alarm status table sort by active time when it is displayed?

I may be wrong, but I thought it was as simple as clicking run in the designer, sorting it by active time, then saving and publishing the window?

After going that and then going to the published window it is as in my first screenshot not the second. items are still out of order.

There must be a programmatic way to do the same thing as clicking on active time in the header bar?

We had the same issue and put this in the FilterAlarm script on the alarm status control.

return True

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Could you please provide a bit more details as to what this “.getComponent(0)” and ".getComponent(1) is?

From what I gathered that each getComponent is associated to the column. Since you have 6 columns and as a result you used 6 getComponents.

Thanks for your help in advance MMaynardUSG

No, Each component is a layer in the controls to get down to the underlying table.

The script works, but:
The sorting functionality by clicking on the table header will be overwritten by this function.