Automation Professionals' Advanced Modbus Driver

Another BETA. Cleaned out some stray references to com.inductiveautomation.xopc, and made my generic shim a little more generic. (Discovered some conflicts when I started applying these classes to my EtherNet/IP driver.)

For Ignition v8.1.7+: v1.1.13.250341606

This one is solid. Seems more performant than v1.1.12. Will declare it production-grade soon, I think.

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Well, I didn't declare it production grade, as I found a couple minor items in the DriverAdapter to Device conversion. I also refactored my CSV versus binary serialization format in the internal database to make it easier to excise the latter in v8.3. Which enabled a feature I've been cogitating on for a while: mitigating the bad behavior of some devices when abutting register ranges cannot be spanned. My config will no longer merge configured ranges of addresses that abut without overlapping, and those boundaries will be honored by the underlying optimizer. This is another BETA.

For Ignition v8.1.7+: v1.1.13.250681940

{ Side note: I had to restart the service after upgrading due to Wicket weirdness. Die! }