BANANAS! Version 2

I am pleased to announce that in response to community feedback, Bananas Version 2 has been created and is now available for download on The Exchange. As with version 1, the entire game is rendered using a single paintable canvas.

The buildings now take damage when they are hit by bananas:
• Windows get broken
• Bricks get knocked loose and fall to the ground

If a banana gets too close to the sun, it catches on fire becoming a :fire: Flaming Banana :fire:
• Unlike a regular banana that becomes harmless after three ricochets, a flaming banana is always in play.
• If a flaming banana hits a building, it catches the building on fire.

Sound effects and volume controls have been added:
Volume Control

...and there is confetti:

All controls now have keyboard support and can be navigated forwards or backwards using tab and shift-tab. The entire game could be configured and played without using a mouse.
Focus Control

The launch controls have been redesigned to be more intuitive:

Lastly, there is an Easter egg hidden somewhere in the game. Have fun finding it!

Ignition Exchange:
Ignition Exchange: Bananas! Version 2