Bi-Directional Bindings vs writeBlocking

Does the bi-directional bindings to tags do a writeBlocking function in the background?

I moved all my tag writes to custom properties on the window with tag bi-directional bindings because before with writeBlocking when writing to 2 tags in a button script, it locked up the screen. The problem is still happening though.
that's why I'm curious if the bi-directional bindings do writeBlocking in the background.

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I don't know the answer to your actual question, though I assume that eventually they use the same mechanism to write the value out to the device.

However, I am doubtful that the write is the actual problem here. Can you show the button script?

I don't have it pulled up right now but I know it's just 2 writes to custom properties on the vision window that have bi-directional tag bindings.

Bidirectional bindings use asynchronous writes. Whatever your problem is, it's something else, probably at a higher level. You should contact support so they can get a live look at your system.

Thank you for that information and that's good to know.

It's hard to get a time where I have been able to see this happen. It only happens when we start up our pumps from the local screen on the edge (not remotely). I've been told this has happened multiple times but never been able to troubleshoot it.

I was connected to that panel PC via VNC the last time it happened. The user in the field was telling me it was locking up when navigating screens (he navigated right after starting the pump). He told me he couldn't push any buttons but I was able to remotely.

I need more time to troubleshoot this to verify if it works remotely or not during this time. The bad thing is that this has happened on different manufacturers of Panel PCs, so it's hard to say it's a hardware problem.

Prior discussion over here:

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