[BUG-13907] Button's Properties change after updating

Button’s Properties change after updating from Ignition 7.9.9 to 8.0.0:

Ignition 7.9.9:

Ignition 8.0.0:


Best Regards.

Buttons that were at “default” values (ie, no customization had been done in the designer) are not serialized with any particular values, so when you upgrade to 8.0 the resources are created with the new default values in our new look and feel.

There’s nothing to fix here - the old look and feel we were using was 1. old and 2. doesn’t work on Java 11, so we can’t maintain it in 8.0 anyways.

Any button with custom styling you applied should stay basically the same in 8.0, although there are a few minor appearance bugs we’re still sorting out.

I think that it is a failure, because the color (0,0,0) is not the same as the color (46,46,46), and the color (251,250,249) is not the same as the color (213,213,213). When updated from Igntion 7.9 to 8.0, the color should be respected. Otherwise, I have to manually change hundreds of buttons.

Best regards.

The (0,0,0) foreground color and (251,250,249) background color aren’t stored with the serialized resource in 7.x since these values are considered default due to 7.x Look & Feel. So, when the resource is created within 8.x, the default values are supplied for these properties, since the original, default colors weren’t stored in 7.x; this is completely expected as default values aren’t stored within the serialized resource. It just happens to be that due to the new Look & Feel in 8, some properties have different default values than what existed in 7.x, such as the color / font style.

Now, there is a known issue with buttons’ foreground color being painted incorrectly with the value (112,117,122) if the default value of (46,46,46) is being used. So, instead of a darker / black foreground color, a gray color is painted instead. This is something we’re tracking internally, but, changing the foreground to be anything else (e.g, : 46,46,47) will fix it.

Then, the (0,0,0) foreground color and (251,250,249) background color should be shown as (46,46,46) and (250,250,251) respectively in Ignition 8.0. But if you look at my screenshot, the background color is shown as (213, 213, 213), which is the color of the container. When I save the window and open it again, this happens:

Ignition 8.0.0 (after updating from Ignition 7.9.9, I open the window):


Ignition 8.0.0 (I close the window and open it again):


You can see it in this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SquU6I89OSfhLSxxVw6isKmqDIFhxvOt/view

The button’s background being painted the same color as the container would be unexpected unless it was manually changed. If you drag a new button onto a new window, is the background color still (213,213,213)?

It might be best to email support@inductiveautomation.com and reference this post. Please include an attachment of the project within the email.


If I drag a new button onto a new window, the background color is (250,250,251).

I will write a email to support@inductiveautomation.com

Thank you.

Good afternoon.
I have written an email to the support, but I have not received an answer.
I have verified that the incidence of the background color of the button being painted as its container occurs after updating from Ignition 7.9.9 to 8.0.1, when the background color of the button is (251,250,249) (default color) in Ignition 7.9.9.

Then, if you open a window in designer (8.0.1), the background color propery is established to (204, 255,204) (green), like container, although it is shown as white / gray:


If you close the window (save it) and open it again:


Best Regards.

Just want to update this post. I have replicated the behavior and filed an internal ticket.

The button background seems to be painted with the container color if:

  1. Button was created in 7.x
  2. Button background is using default property value for 7.x (#FBFAF9)
  3. Container background is using non-default property value (for 7.x - #FAFAFB & for 8 - #EEECE8)

As a workaround, the button background would need to be changed after it’s improperly set equal to the container color. This is obviously not expected and definitely tiresome to manually change the background color for every button.

Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.

This issue was fixed in the 8.0.3 nightly build that was uploaded today (6/19).
