[BUG] Nasty! ALL Perspective Views or Named Queries deleted when Revert Changes on View in root


This one's nasty! I've just logged it with support.

I only just opened the project, then:

  • opened a View in the root Views folder (important, doesn't affect Views in folders) to edit it
  • closed it without editing it, but same consequence if you do edit it
  • right clicked on the View and selected "Revert Changes"
  • then every View in the project was deleted (inherited Views remain but any overrides from the current project are removed). If I saved the project at this point, which the customer did unknowingly a few days ago, it would have cemented the deletions in the gateway and I would have to revert to a backup of the gateway (which I did the other day).

This also affected Named Queries, although with a quirk. Repeating the steps for named queries within folder deletes the entire folder. Views within folder are unaffected. Reverting Named Queries in the root deletes all named queries as it does with Views in the root.

This does not affect script libraries.

Is there anything that I can collect in terms of logs?

Selecting Close and Revert on an open edited View behaves as expected.

I'm about 90% confident this is fixed in a later version.

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A colleague can't reproduce it in 8.1.41, I'm seeing if he can test in 31.

IGN-7965: Designer: New/overridden inherited project resources get discarded after selecting “Revert Changes” on a project resource.
Fixed the behavior of the 'Discard Changes' option on overridden resources to walk up parent folders and discard them as well if they held only the resource that is being discarded.

This looks related


If this is, in fact, the fix to this bug, do we know what version it was introduced in? It's probably best to assume it exists in all 8.1 versions before 8.1.34, but it would be helpful to know if some earlier versions are safe from this bug or not.

Just tried in 8.1.32 and did not experience the bug.

Affected versions are 8.1.28 -> 8.1.34, per our internal reporting. The bug was actually a regression from a relatively minor cosmetic fix in the project browser :man_facepalming:.