Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2023

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.34-SNAPSHOT-b20231009



IGN-7418: Organize drop target popup menu into folders by template path
The dropped template menu in Vision now automatically intelligently builds nested menus for all possible template options, making large projects with many templates easier to manage.


IGN-8022: Renaming option not available for Vision folder immediately after creating folder within Vision workspace in designer
Fixed an issue where Vision window and template folders were sometimes not able to be renamed.
IGN-7965: Designer: New/overridden inherited project resources get discarded after selecting “Revert Changes” on a project resource.
Fixed the behavior of the 'Discard Changes' option on overridden resources to walk up parent folders and discard them as well if they held only the resource that is being discarded.



IGN-8378: Property Editor "view.path" prop with a value of null causes NPE
Fixed possible NPE with property editor "view.path" prop.