Corrupt Gateway Backup?

Hey everyone,

My team and I have been working on a pretty big project, so we have been taking daily backups of our work. We needed to roll back to a previous version so we tried to restore a backup, and everything loads in right except for the tags. The tag provider shows up as empty with no tags in it. We tried multiple backups from the past 2 weeks, and it looks like none of them will load in the tags properly. Multiple team members have taken different backups on different machines, and none of them seem to work.

Has anyone encountered this/been able to extract the tags and UDTs from the gateway backup directly? Thanks in advance!

Are you sure you did a gateway backup and not a project export/backup? The file extension should be "gwbk" for a gateway backup that includes the tags.

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Yeah absolutely certain. It's a gwbk file.

You can try opening it in Kindling, but not sure if it will show you anything besides allowing you to extract the SQLite DB that has the tags in it or possibly query the DB for what it contains.

Otherwise, I'd check logs to see if there's any error when restoring the backup. If nothing else works, reach out to support.