Date formatting in vision must occur through the Swing utilities

We are looking to upgrade to 8.1.39 and noticed in the 8.1.38 release notes under Vision "Swing - Date formatting in vision must occur through the Swing utilities, or else an error will be displayed with the text Date format accessed/updated from an asynchronous thread. Vision component date formats must be accessed from the Event Dispatch Thread. Consider using system.util.invokeLater."

I'm wondering what this specifically means? Does this just apply to scripting function in vision? All calendar components? Date field in Power Tables? To what extent does this note actually affect the use of dates?

We use dates quite often in Vision so we are quite concerned that this is going to potentially require a bit of time to change things after the update is in place.

The change in question has already been reverted (Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2024 - #82 by system; n.b. 8.1.41 was changed to a hotfix release so the changes mentioned will be live in 8.1.42), but it was unlikely to (deliberately) affect you anyways. The warning was only intended to show up if you accessed the date formatter inside certain Vision components (e.g. popup calendar) from an asynchronous thread. All scripting in Vision is automatically on the EDT unless you explicitly invoke an asynchronous thread, so it's very unlikely you would even have noticed that aspect. However, our code turns out to very much access these components on asynchronous threads (e.g. in find and replace, or during template repeater construction) so we reverted the change anyways, because it's impossible to distinguish between those different cases.

I would definitely recommend postponing your upgrade until 8.1.42 is available to avoid the nuisance warnings in the designer, though.

I appreciate the timely response. We are probably going to upgrade to an earlier version to navigate away from the potential issues this may cause us.