Error Message: Tried to register a path/listener combination that is already in the model

I get hundreds of these error messages after starting up. What does it mean? Error is:

"Tried to register a path/listener combination that is already in the model. Value: TagSubscription(path=[default]TD23, listener=com.inductiveautomation.perspective.gateway.binding.expression.ExpressionBindingTagListener@394059fc) "

Can somebody help with this topic?

I have the same issue. On the button, mouse event I have a script. In the script, I am asking if the tag value is different from some value if yes I am writing in that tag some another value.
Something like.
system.tag.write(“xxx”, “test”)

And on this, I have an error " [Tried to register a path/listener combination that is already in the model]. What is wrong with my expression?

Yes, this bug has been present for a long time now...

Does it happen in v8.1 ? (v8.0 is end-of-life.)

Yes, in v8.1.15 too (perspective, not vision)…

Still there in 8.1.17, I've got this on an alarm enabled binding (expression).

Me too. Is this an actual bug with no fix yet or is there a workaround?

Hmm, the only ticket I can find for this says it was fixed in 8.1.17. If that's not the case get in touch with support.