Failed to add items to subscription

Every couple of minutes I get this log from COMSubscription on my gateway that says
[tag-group-default_default] Failed to add 140 items to the subscription- error codes were returned from the OPC server. To see the codes, change the log level to debug and re-initialize the items.

If I debug I can see the 140 errors that each look something like this.
Failure code returned from OPC server when adding item to subscription. Path: 'ifm.VSE.DBPskid4.Monitoring.Objects.Object06.Condition' Return Code: 'ffffffffc0040008'

[tag-group-default_default] is not a tag provider on our gateway. I found another post talking about this issue here.
They get around this bug by deleting all of their tag providers, and manually re-adding each tag to the new providers, but I'd rather avoid this as we have so many tags and scripts referencing those tags that it would be a pain to try to re-do. Any tips on how to get around this? Thanks!