Faulted Default OPC Server Connection

Hi all,

I've been dealing with the default OPC Server connection being faulted on my computer. Anytime I create a new profile, it is also faulted. I tried troubleshooting and went through the steps at the following link (the part that discusses troubleshooting a faulted connection):

No luck. I've tried restarting the OPC module, restarted the gateway, reentered the default opcua username and passwords, confirmed and ruled out server settings, tried the hostname override with my PC IP address (as suggested here: Ignition OPC UA Server Stays Faulted), and even tried creating a backup of a project on another PC with a working OPC connection, and restoring that to my computer, but without success. The only "lead" I seem to have is that the Config > opcua > Security section keeps having 2 server certificates pop up (if I delete it, then at some point, the second comes back.) I've tried regenerating them, first with matching dates, then different ones, etc. but I'm also not sure if that's completely unrelated to the faulted connection...

Any help figuring this out would be greatly appreciated!!

What's the fault reason / stack trace? Can you upload your logs?

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Yes! Here's a screenshot:

Error message (pasted into Notepad):

Is that what you meant by logs? Or am I looking for a log file in the Ignition program folder?

You can download them from the Status > Diagnostics > Logs area of the gateway.

It might be easier to call support so they can look at the connection settings. The Ignition OPC UA client/server certificates get mutually trusted on every startup of the OPC UA module, so either something is going very wrong there, your connection is not pointing to the local gateway, or some other certificate is being used for some reason.

Thanks!! @Kevin.Herron It's not letting me upload the log file as it says its too big (even if I change the range.) I'll probably just reach out to support like you suggested. I'll try to document the solution here later in case it comes in handy for someone else at another time.

I saw your support ticket and logs.

You have two Ignition Gateways installed and running (one Edge maybe?)

On the one you are looking at, the server is failing to bind because something else (the other Gateway) already owns the port:

Bind failed for endpoint opc.tcp://localhost:62541
java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: bind

Your connection is failing because it's trying to connect to the other Gateway, which doesn't automatically trust this client.

Uninstall the other Gateway. If you need to run multiple, use virtual machines.

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Thanks Kevin!! Support also asked if I was running another gateway on my PC, and I am: Ignition Edge on port 8000. I'll remove it and see if it resolves this!

After shutting it down you'll have to restart the current Ignition Gateway.

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I removed the Edge connection, restarted the Gateway, and that resolved it! Thanks so much Kevin! I'm glad I hopped on here, I would never have figured that out alone. :smiling_face_with_tear: