Can somebody explain to me, what this error means:
This is on Ignition 8.1.40.
Every time I use Find&Replace I get these errors...
I don't even know, where to begin to search, what the problem is...
I found this: https://forum.inductiveautomation.com/t/nightly-8-1-changelogs-2024/83608/20?u=zxcslo
but I can't make any sense of it...
I thought they fixed that... Might be worth raising up to support to get clarification on the fix. Maybe you found an edge case.
Today I upgraded from Ignition 8.1.40 to 8.1.41.
But the Find&Replace error is still there... 
Everything in the changelog that said 8.1.41-SNAPSHOT is now 8.1.42 because of the emergency release.
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