High level direction for database module development

I'm working on a module that will, at a high level, run some sql scripts from a remote repository against an existing database connection within Ignition. So far, my only experience with building modules has been rebuilding the gateway-webpage example - it was more or less self-explanatory (besides the labels for the Config page not showing correctly).

I'm looking for guidance on how to accomplish the above task. How I envision it working is, first, a user would create a DB connection. Then, they'd visit the custom module config page and be able to view and select all existing non-faulted database connections from a dropdown. After setting a few other options, they'll click a button that will retrieve a sql file from a remote repository and then execute that file on the aforementioned database connection (which will add some tables, relationships, functions, stored procedures, etc).

One of the biggest things that doesn't make sense to me right now is how to add the above actions to a button click on the Config page. The GatewayHook class has setup(), startup() and shutdown() methods but I'm assuming those are only when the module is being set up, started or shutdown (clearly) and not for when the user performs an action on the modules Config page (the Save Changes button).

Where would I add the method that will accomplish what I have above? I am ready to slog through the actual implementation (following this guide, in part: Working with Platform Services - Ignition SDK Programmer's Guide - Ignition Documentation) but I just don't know where to put those source files and how to trigger them off of the Save Changes button event.

Currently, the way to do an interactive Gateway page (that's documented) is with Wicket.

Wicket is a tangled, somewhat confusing mess, and we're using an older version of it in an non-standard way. It's a slog.

@pturmel has posted some example code at various points; consider searching this forum for RecordActionTable (one possible starting point). If you want to reflect Ignition database connections as your "source of truth" for the possible values in this table, then you could probably build a RecordActionTable off the existing datasource record, remove the ability to add/edit, and "simply" wire in your new actions to add tables/relationships/functions/etc.

As an additional wrinkle, I'm not sure how what your plan is for actually implementing these different relationships/procedures/functions/etc, but be warned that targeting multiple DB flavors (MySQL, MSSQL, Postgres) will quickly run you into behavior that's outside of the JDBC standard and may run into issues.


This is already very helpful... Do you know which version of Wicket is being used in 8.1.20 (or any recent version of 8.1)? This will be helpful when searching for documentation.

Regarding the RecordActionTable approach - I found another forum thread where you linked your secret-keeper project. This looks like an easy way to create multiple instances of a PersistentRecord but it still doesn't look like it'll let me hijack a submit action to execute some additional steps.

Regarding what I said about the database operations, my plan was to use the SRConnection subclass and do something like

SRConnection con; int maxVal;
try {
    con = context.getDatasourceManager().getConnection("myDatasource"); 
    con.runPrepQuery("CREATE TABLE sample ... etc", 5);
    maxVal= (Integer) con.runScalarQuery("SELECT max(col) FROM sample");
} finally {
    if (con!=null){

and have a bunch of prepared statements (SQL statements like CREATE TABLE, CREATE PROCEDURE, etc) which would then be run.

In this first iteration, I'm only going to focus on one DB vendor and version, namely, SQL Server 2019, so if I can get it working with that, I'll focus on making it working for other DB vendors.

6.30.0, apparently.

The trick is to make your RecordActionTable, but use the existing com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.datasource.records.DatasourceRecord class.

In your subclass of RecordActionTable, you can override com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.web.components.RecordActionTable#addRecordInstanceActions to remove the default edit and delete actions and add your own.

Phew. That's a whole 3 major versions behind current :face_with_thermometer:

Just resolved my Config page label issues... Before I jump into implementing addRecordInstanceActions, what do you think of this approach: I'll start with only one instance of my class and forego RecordActionTable for now... I'll add my DB code (something based on below snippet)

SRConnection con; int maxVal;
    con = context.getDatasourceManager().getConnection("myDatasource");
    con.runPrepQuery("INSERT INTO example(col) VALUES", 5);
    maxVal= (Integer) con.runScalarQuery("SELECT max(col) FROM example");

right into the recordAdded and recordUpdated record listeners, so whenever my persistent record either gets added or gets updated, I'll run some statements then. Does this sound like a bad idea or is it workable?

Well, I don't really know or understand what your ultimate goal is. Based on your first post, I'm not sure that you actually need your own PersistentRecord; it seemed like you might be able to 'piggyback' on the existing datasource record and just do your own thing. But maybe not.

My ultimate goal is to "install" or build out a complex data model (tables, queries, stored procedures, functions, etc), script library, and a few other resource types easily AND to use a few other core Ignition features*. The data model includes not only tables and relationships, but also a ton of stored procedures that make up a comprehensive business logic library. Most of our customer projects usually end up being one of a few types (OEE, T&T, etc) so we find ourselves doing a lot of repetitive setup work that could be automated.

*Regarding my point about core Ignition features - sure, the project setup automation is nice but having a module also allows me to use Ignition's licensing feature. If we can sell a huge library of resources as a line item, we would also like to be reasonably sure our IP isn't cloned/duplicated without permission protect the customer's investment.

I'm chatting with our internal guru right now to find out more about the current setup process, so that might clarify some assumptions and whatnot.

While modules are harder to introspect than project resources, keep in mind that it's trivial to decompile Java files. This is more 'security through obscurity'; at most you can run an obfuscation tool as part of your build process, but you can't truly obscure the code to any great depth.

And that's completely fine, in my mind. When we do it manually right now, the customer still has full access to their own database and gateway that we're installing these resources on, so it is definitely not a foolproof method. We also want to stay away from a black box product, so it's important for us that our customers would have the technical ability to modify stuff if they chose to.

Regarding the implementation, I added a trivial function within the recordAdded and recordUpdated record listeners, but it doesn't look like the recordAdded function is executing... Is it only triggered if a RecordActionTable is used and a new record is added that way? Or maybe if I don't specify default values in my settings record?

How are you adding new records? Record added notifications will only happen if you're going through our ORM and explicitly send notifications.

I should've been more clear... I'm not adding a record to the internal db through the PersistentRecord interface. What I am doing is adding a record to a datasource I added through the database connections config page. In other words, I added a new DB called ModuleDev through SSMS, then added it as a connection on the gateway, and now I reference that connection and run some prepared statements in GatewayHook.java like so:

        // listen for updates to the settings record
        SMSettingsRecord.META.addRecordListener(new IRecordListener<SMSettingsRecord>() {
            public void recordUpdated(SMSettingsRecord sMSettingsRecord) {
                SRConnection con = null;
                int minVal;
                try {
                    String createTableStatement = "CREATE TABLE dbo.Location (LocationID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(255), CreatedOn DATETIME);";
                    String insertFirstRecord = "INSERT INTO dbo.Location (LocationID, Name, CreatedOn) VALUES (1, 'OriginalName', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);";
                    String retrieveRecord = "SELECT TOP 1 LocationID FROM dbo.Location ORDER BY LocationID ASC;";
                    con = context.getDatasourceManager().getConnection(sMSettingsRecord.getConnectionName());
                    minVal = (Integer) con.runScalarPrepQuery(retrieveRecord);

                    log.info("Update ran from recordUpdated!", minVal);
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    log.error("Unable to update records in recordUpdated! ", e);
                } finally {
                    if (con != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (SQLException e) {
                            log.error("Unable to close connection con on recordUpdated!", e);


            public void recordAdded(SMSettingsRecord sMSettingsRecord) {

                // add a table to the database ModuleDev on localhost
                SRConnection con = null;
                int minVal;
                    String createTableStatement = "CREATE TABLE dbo.Location (LocationID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR(255), CreatedOn DATETIME);";
                    String insertFirstRecord = "INSERT INTO dbo.Location (LocationID, Name, CreatedOn) VALUES (1, 'OriginalName', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);";
                    String retrieveRecord = "SELECT TOP 1 LocationID FROM dbo.Location ORDER BY LocationID ASC;";
                    con = context.getDatasourceManager().getConnection(sMSettingsRecord.getConnectionName());
                    minVal = (Integer) con.runScalarPrepQuery(retrieveRecord);

                    log.info("minVal: ", minVal);
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    log.error("Error creating table, inserting record or retrieving record! Code: ", e);
                } finally {
                    if(con != null){
                        try {
                        } catch (SQLException e) {
                            log.error("Unable to close the db connection con! Code: ", e);

            public void recordDeleted(KeyValue keyValue) {

        log.debug("Setup complete.");

The issue I'm having right now is I'm not understanding (a lot of things but also) why recordAdded isn't being executed when the first record is created. Again, I have a single static config page with 3 properties, one of which is used, namely, getConnectionName(). When I go to that page, fill out the form and then Save Changes the first time, I would expect the recordAdded method to execute. What happens is only the recordUpdated method executes after I save (and with the snippet above, it isn't hard to see that its going to fail because dbo.Location already exists).

Is this because I specified default values for the form fields in my SettingsRecord.java file? Or is it because, even though I uninstalled the module and reinstalled it many times, the table inside the internal DB is still there so the recordAdded method won't execute?

Ignition's wicket forms are all built around the internal DB's PersistentRecord, which is totally unsuited to any other database backend. I hacked them up for my Ethernet/IP module, but figured out the non-hackish for my Modbus module. It required defining some form components that actually follow Wicket's IModel expectations for POJOs. See this post:

I'm assuming you're implying here that the better way to do this without using a PersistentRecord would be to use Wicket to define a button that will run my sql scripts against a DB (not the internal one)?

From everything you've described so far, I don't think you need your own PersistentRecord implementation.

My preferred approach, based on my understanding of what you're trying to do, would be a RecordActionTable using DatasourceRecord.META, with no edit/delete options, but with your custom hooks to run SQL scripts. IMO that would be easier to implement (and more in line with the platform's aesthetic) than you're likely to get from a bespoke Wicket page.

This is what I'll try to implement, then. Is there a way to restrict the RecordActionTable to a single record (or, alternatively to check and make sure the DBConnectionName field isn't used in more than one entry)?

I'm not sure what you're asking.

I was picturing something like this:

With a custom RecordActionTable, you can display whatever columns you want.
Then you would wire up your custom actions (create tables, create procedures, etc) and they would automatically show up in the 'more' dropdown. That would be your way to tie actions to a particular database.

Sorry, I should've been more clear... Here is more of what I'm after:

Above is my current config page with some BS fields (except the Database connection). The user specifies a database connection name of a connection they configured previously in the DB config page. It doesn't make sense (at the very least for the first version of this module) to have more than one configuration per gateway, just like you don't have a RecordActionTable to configure Redundancy settings on the Redundancy config page.

Next, the user would click on the Save Changes button, the module will retrieve sql script files from a remote repository (probably through an HTTP call or a git API if I can find one, I don't know yet) and then execute those statements on the database whose name is specified in the Database connection field (in this case, ModuleDev).

This is not a very sophisticated approach and has a lot of issues in itself, but I want to get a base case working.

Most of this already works. Instead of reading a sql file from a repository, I have a few prepared statements (CREATE TABLE, INSERT INTO, SELECT). How those statements are being triggered is in the recordUpdated record listener. I'm trying to figure out why the recordAdded listener is not firing when I add the initial module configuration after I install the module. I cleared the PersistentRecord record in the internal DB and still, when I Save Changes, I can see in the logs that the recordUpdated method was executed, but not recordAdded.

Ah, gotcha. That page is a RecordEditForm - for your use case, it's probably simplest to just make a new page that recycles some of the concepts of the RecordEditForm, rather than creating your own. com.inductiveautomation.ignition.gateway.web.components.editors.IEditorSource is the base class of the individual components in the editing categories.

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I strongly disagree. An ActionTable implementation that does not reference PersistentRecord at all is the right answer. PersistentRecord is always pointing at the internal database. It cannot be made to point at any other. IEditorSource, IIRC, is part of the problem.