How to clear selection from Perspective Alarm Status Table

In this post it is described that there is a clearSelectedAlarms() function for the Vision Alarm Status Table: How to remove the selection from the Alarm Status Table - Ignition - Inductive Automation Forum

I was wondering if there is a similar function for the perspective Alarm Status Table, since I was not able to remove selected alarms by a script that just assigns an empty array to
The same question was ask in the last post on this topic:: Perspective Alarm Status Table Selecting/Deselecting Alarms via Script - Ignition - Inductive Automation Forum

Kind regards

There is no supported way to do this. Selection is one-way from browser to gateway.

Thank you for your quick answer!

This is unfortunate. I have an open point that it is possible to press the acknowledge button after the page has been switched. For a short time the user is able to acknowledge alarms from the previous page without seeing it.
I think the reason is that the clearance is done within the component, but it takes a few seconds until selected alarms from the previous page are unselected.

My idea was to clear faster by creating an change script on the activePage property.

A hack you could try would be to set the selection mode to "none", then set it back after a delay.

A similar trick works for the regular table component:

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Thanks you!
I came up with a similar idea (disable ack-button temporarily), but I don`t really like this solution. Still, it works :slight_smile: