How to make a table/list from OPC struct tags

Hi there,

I have this array of UDT containing multiple tags as shown below:

Which I want to display as alarm history as an table with maybe 50rows, and the tags as the columns.

Or, how can I access the tags to make my own custom list? Something like this, where I can add the tags to each rows.

If I try to add the udt directly to tag browser I get the bad error. If I make a UDT, i need to make 1 tag for each array index, which I have to do 50 times den. Is there an easier way?

I did it like this, where I use the instancename as array index.

How can I do this in an easy way in Ignition?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Have you looked at the alarm status table? This may get you what you want without having to build a table yourself.

To make many UDT instances quickly, there are a few options.

  1. Spreadsheet Import Tool
    • This tool is supposed to let you create Ignition tags from a well-formatted spreadsheet. I haven't used it personally, but I've heard good things.
  2. Scripting
  3. Using a similar workflow as 2, use JSON files created and imported with system.tag.exportTags and system.tag.importTags respectively.

You can probably use the UDT instance wizard to create your instances. I haven't used it in a long time since it doesn't behave if you've got nested UDT instances, but for your case it should be fine

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