Spreadsheet Import Tool

Now in the Ignition Exchange.

While waiting on IA review, i Interested parties can also get this here:


I intend to publish at this link as well as in the Exchange going forward.

Announcements will be in this topic. (:


Thanks for your work on this and publishing it for the community.

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Had a chance to poke around at this today, it's a nice tool Phil, thanks for sharing.

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Now published:


can anyone please give brief explanation about use of this tool and benefits ? thanks for all your help.

I answered your question over here:

Reposting questions in more than one place is against this forum's rules.

I was about to go through the process of putting my version of this on Exchange. this one is much nicer though haha


Feature request: After the file is selected and handled by Apache POI but before the workbook is processed, list the sheets within the workbook and allow the user to select/de-select sheets for processing.

Hmmm. Challenging idea. Will consider how to do that.

For anyone at ICC next week, I'll be leading a table talk on Tuesday 9/17 at 9:45 a.m. which will include a discussion about the flexibility and power of this tool within our workflow.


I plan to be there to answer related questions.


I plan to be there with a colleague (also named Phil). Looks like a fantastic tool.

We look forward to meeting you. You're a living legend.

Prepping a demo from a table by the pavilion while waiting for the registration line to die down. Feel free to stop by and say hi, or join us at 9:45 a.m. PDT in the pavilion to hopefully see how this works.

Great table talk! Really enjoyed it!


Phil helped me on the side today... updating this topic in case it helps others.

I have a unique tag/naming structure and was trying to separate into logical chunks to take advantage of local variables/% string formatting options. The part that was unique was two characters and started with a number. One cell value was 1F, which is parseable as a number, thus would evaluate as 1.0 not 1F, which is not what I wanted. For me, there wasn't an option to rename or not start with a number, so Phil suggested using eval().

I had a column named ID, I renamed this column to IDraw and added a leading underscore to the value(s). You could also add a space or other character that you see fit. Next I added a column to the right of ID, named IDEval and the cell value was IDraw.strip("_"). From my testing, IDEval can't be blank.