How to remove sample tags provider from Power Chart "Browse Tags" tree?


I don’t want to show sample tags in Power Chart. Please tell me how to do that.

The Perspective Power Chart does not have sample tags. When the component is added to a view there are no tags and so there are no pens.

Can you be more clear about what problem you are trying to solve? Add a nicely sized and cropped screen grab.

I believe that they are talking about the Sample_Tags Provider ( I think it is installed with a fresh install of V8).

Something similar here:

I just set the props.config.tagBrowserStartPath with the correct path, but I also only have 1 historical provider.

@lrose, that’s probably it. I’ve never seen it.
I’ve edited the question title to something more appropriate.

To be entirely clear - if you choose (on a brand new installation) the 'Quick Start' feature, it'll create a sample project, tag provider, SQLite connection, etc.

If you don't want that anymore, you can delete it. If you are still using the SQLite connection but just want to remove the sample provider's history, you'll have to clean up the tag historian tables yourself.

I would recommend against running a production system using SQLite to store tag history data; this might be a good chance to make a clean break and migrate to a proper RDBMS (ideally, on a different VM or physical host) if you're using SQLite to store history data.



Hello Everyone,

Thanks for the reply.
Please see the attached screenshot. Actually I wanted to remove this “realistics” tags from Chart.
Those tags came with Sample tags.