How to write a script for notifying engine speed has reached a series of successive levels?

Hi, anyone ever tried to write a script for notifying engine speed has reached a series of successive levels? Hope to get some help here, thanks in advance.

What does this mean? Popup, email, phone call?

Where does the data come from?

For testing purpose for now, I'm using a mimic memory tag to update this engine speed value which is another memory tag.
But for the actual deployment, the data comes from a live engine controller through an opc ua tag.

What output do you want from this function? 0, 1, 2, 3 or "Stopped", "Lethargic", "Reasonable", "Full of beans"?

I would like to see succession of ramping up engine running speed levels attained with a mimic page showing each speed level label button appearing as they are attained.

You don't want buttons. You want labels.

To set the text of a label dependent on the rate, create an expression binding on each label. For example,
if({value} > 5, "Speed 1 achieved", "")

To control the labels' visibility create a similar expression binding on their meta.visible properties.
if({value} > 5, true, false)
Or, even simpler,
{value} > 5
why will return a true or false.

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How is this being used in automated testing?