Hi, I am working on a labeling project and I want to use Labelary API to render a ZPL code for me as a preview. I tried using a image component in Perspective and that did work with GET request (just like you do img tag in html). My labels contain image data so it turns out I exceeded URL character count and I need to use POST and send the ZPL in the request body.

I tried using a HTTP binding and I could not get it to work. Can anyone advise what else I can try? This is the binding configuration:

At this point I am getting "unable to find valid certification path to requested target" exception.

I tried the same thing in Postman with no issues.


Is your gateway running on the same machine as Postman?

This means the root CA that signed the certificate of the endpoint you're talking to is not trusted. If this is a public website then it probably means you're on a corporate network that is proxying/MITMing your traffic and inserting its own CA, in which case you need to add that CA to Ignition's supplemental certificate store: Security Certificates - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation

Yes. I got it working by using plain HTTP. Now I have entirely different problem which is handling the PNG data in the response.

Should I create a separate thread for that?

Personally I don't care either way since this was so short and involved just the 2 of us, but it might be cleaner for future searchers if you did.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Rendering ZPL PNG data in perspective