Can Anyone know how to translate the diagnostics standard window ?
Because I can’t do it, I tried to add the list of the words but didn’t work.
It’s not possible yet. We do have a ticket for it – if this is important to you, contact support or your sales rep and have that noted on ticket IGN-4972.
How I can contact support? Can you tell me please the email or a phone number to call, please?
And how the ticket works? Can you explain me please?
Inductive Automation support can be contacted here: Support Home Page | Inductive Automation
An internal bug ticket is a way for Inductive Automation to keep track of known issues in Ignition. Kathy suggested that you can contact support, or your sales rep, so that your information can be noted on the internal bug ticket. That way we can contact you when the issue is resolved. We will also try to update this forum post as well.
Thank you so much.
Hello, I have a different problem, I have a project .zip, but did not import well, my windows did not appear, everything is empty and I don’t know why. My laptop is a MAC but I used to import more projects and never happens this.
The project ZIP file is not very abstract. I would suggest unzipping the export file and looking in the “” folder. There should be a folder called “windows” if the export contains Vision Windows.
If you don’t see a vision folder or a windows folder, I would export the project again and double check the new export in the same way.
Make sure the Gateway you are importing into has the necessary modules as well.
Yes, it has the windows folder and I can see what my project should have.
So if I do this and it has everything in the folder, what is next?
We can discuss this further in this thread: Importing a project