[IGN-9406] Scroll-bar/Overflow Frustrations on Perspective View Canvas

Ah, I see the issue now.

Bad news:
Yep, it appears to be a bug, in that we're applying ViewCanvas.props.instances[X].style.overflow to the container which is the root of the instanced View instead of properly applying that overflow to the wrapping <div>.

Good news:
I have a one-off workaround. Apply a domId property to the META category of your ViewCanvas, and supply some unique value ("MyViewCanvas" in the upcoming example). Now modify your stylesheet a bit:

div#MyViewCanvas > div {
	overflow: visible !important;

.psc-x2 { transition: all .2s ease-in-out; }
.psc-x2:hover { transform: scale(2) !important;  z-index: 5;}

This rule will only be applied to this View Canvas, so you mileage may vary. If you need it to apply elsewhere, you can either add a new targeted rule, or lossen up the locator I've supplied.