Ignition Designer Starts Late


Even though I am launching Ignition Designer locally, the screen I shared makes me wait for 5 minutes before it finally opens.

Why does this happen?

I have shared the System Status screen.

The strange thing is that when I connect to the same Ignition Gateway from another server, Designer opens very quickly. But it should be faster locally, yet it’s much slower.

Why is this happening?

Thank you.


Can anyone help with this?
Thank you.

Don't know if it's too early in the piece, but do you get any NonResponsiveEdt files produced for the designer?
(in Windows, designer log files are here: C:\Users\<username>\.ignition\cache\gw<gateway hostname/ip>_<port>)\C# )

I checked now. I am connecting as localhost:8088. This is what it looks like when I go to this folder . And as you say, there are these (NonResponsiveEdt). I don't know what these are for. Could you explain a little more?
Thank you.

Experiencing same in my machine from yesterday. Version 8.1.42 (b2024061810)

Same issue since this morning on my side.
Also I am getting this error: GatewayException: project not found: null caused by ProjectNotFoundException: project not found: null

I don't have any errors either. It opens Ignition Designer after 5 minutes, why this delay? But other pc opens same designer very fast.

Try saving project in the Designer.

Thank you for answer.
I don't understand what you mean exactly? The projects are already added to the designer. My problem is that the project opens, yes there is no problem. But in the designer, I wait about 5 minutes in the starting module: perspective section.

I'm experiencing the same issue, I have version 8.1.43 (b2024082010)

I have version 8.1.41

Open the C0 folder and check for any NonResponsiveEdt files

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Yes, there are many of these files. Do these cause problems? Will there be a problem in your projects if I delete these? Do I need to delete it?

They're generated whenever the designer locks up, and can tell you the reason. If there's one for the time when it's taken 5mins to launch, then you can upload it here and have one of the devs look at it

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No such file has been created today. Even though the problem remains.

They can appear in any of them.

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That said, has anyone tried deleting (or renaming) the cache and getting a fresh download from the gateway?

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No , ı don't try deleting cache. Will deleting cache damage my project? Because the project is live.

I checked the dates in the screenshot and C0 was the latest modified, I think. Those dates are hard to read :woozy_face:

No, they're cached files sent from the Ignition Gateway to make launching the designer and other clients faster. You don't need them, they will just download again from the server.


It got fixed for me, I tried restarting the PC it didn't work. Then I completely shutdown the PC after start everything is normal, I think it was either a server issue or the issue in the version it self.