We’ve written a new programmer’s guide for the sdk that will shortly make its way into the distribution. In the meantime, however, I wanted to make it available here for reference and feedback.
We certainly recognize that there is a lot of room to expand on it, but please don’t hesitate to give your feedback.
Download link:
Ignition SDK Programmer’s Guide
Edit for Ignition 7.8+:
Online Ignition SDK Guide
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There is an ExpressionExample in the Forums somewhere. Will it be put in the SDK Guide or SDK Examples? 
Page 7 talks about Java 6 and Java 5 … 
I’ll go through the rest of it, too.
Page 11 refers to an /api folder and an /examples folder. Neither exist. The closest thing to an /api folder is the /IgnitionSDK folder that has the common build files and the jar files. The examples are each in their own folder in the root of the SDK.
Page 14 shows an example MODULE_ID = “mymodule”. Real module IDs must be fully qualified, like “com.automation-pros.mymodule”. It’s still useful to have the unqualified name, but I use SHORT_MODULE_ID = “mymodule” for such cases. Would help to clarify this part.
The guide is being ported to our public confluence instance and then we’re going to be working on updating it.
I just noticed that the posted guide has a 2011 copyright on its pages, where the 7.7.5 version is 2015. Might want to check the link.
I just want to make sure you all realize this thread was started in 2011. The guide is severely out of date at this point.
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As this is a pinned topic, what is the best replacement manual for development as the javadoc has many gaps.