Indirect Tag-History Binding

I need help regarding this.

I have a parameter with in my view which accesses details through indirect tag binding. I want to do the same for my timeseries chart. I tried tag history method, it's not working. Any tips?

I came across this but my issue is a bit different. I have a vessel number and a path. Within my path I need to change my param. My values are in string format. Thus when I pass an object like this,

my chart reads my path in string but does not read my value in string

Can you show how you have configured your binding, how you are generating your expression, and how you are trying to display this information?

How do you expect a chart to display a string?

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Please see Wiki - how to post code on this forum.

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The original thread by @David_Stone contains a post with a portion of the path as dynamic.
On your TimeSeriesChart component, create a custom property (an array of objects, with the structure manually built with the details of your tag(s) therein):

    "aggregate": "LastValue",
    "alias": "PV",
    "path": null

Then, add an expression binding to your path. Here is a binding from the aforementioned thread:
Once everything is configured to your preference, add a Tag History binding on the series[0].data object, with an Expression to Select Tags as:
{this.custom.historical} (the new property you created earlier.

Does this help? If not, screenshots of your setup would be very beneficial.

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My client was in a hurry to get a solution so I opted to extract values from DB using Vessel Number Param and extracting datasets on my chart, I am still curious how to do it as Indirect binding, will defiantly try your method

This sounds like you're manually querying Tag History Data, if that is the case, it is sure to break at some point. If that is what you're doing, I would strongly reconsider. It may work now, but eventually it will break for one reason or another, unless you're doing a lot of work to jump through partitioning hoops, which would be the opposite of "in a hurry".

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